Weill Innovation Core

Overview of Services

The Innovation Core at the Weill institute for Neurosciences offers high-end light microscopy imaging systems to all UCSF researchers and to the larger Bay Area scientific community. The core has a range of unique offerings on campus including 2 super resolution systems, fluorescence lifetime imaging as well as light sheet imaging. 

The core support users from the onset of their imaging project, with consultation on experimental design and education on imaging modalities and data acquisition and handling, in addition to microscope training and support. Please contact the core to see how we can help you with your microscopy needs. 



Caroline Mrejen | Core Director | Caroline.Mrejen@ucsf.edu



Joan and Sanford I. Weill Neurosciences Building 

1651 4th Street, 4th floor

Rooms 451J, 472A, B and C (Innovation Core)
Rooms 551E (CAMM)


Links and Resources

  1. Light Microscopy Core
  2. Innovation Core